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Images of Pennsylvania

About PA View

PAView is a collaborative effort of a consortium of members throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PaView was established in September of 2005 and is a full member of the AmericaView program. The current members who have a wide range of research and outreach interests include: California University of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey, the Pennsylvania Office of Information Technology/Bureau of Geospatial Technologies, the Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access--the public access GIS clearinghouse for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium.

PaView, as part of the AmericaView—program, will focus on public domain remotely sensed data and technologies in support of applied research, K-16 education, workforce development, and technology transfer.  AmericaView (AV) is administered through a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey and the AmericaView SM Consortium. The Consortium is the federal government's primary partner in achieving the AV Program vision and goals.

PAView was developed to further one of the primary goals of the AmericaView program—educating the public about remotely sensed imagery and to provide an additional portal to data and information in a public forum.

The goals of PAView are:


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